Dear USM Grad,
Kirk and I are pleased to extend this special invitation to you, as a USM Grad, to the Soul Purpose 2017 workshop where highly capable leaders will be connecting with their next act in purpose and impact.
As Kirk and I attune to Spirit's Inspiration and Guidance for this workshop, something quite extraordinary is emerging that we wanted to share with you! We created this video so that we could convey the greater opportunity that Spirit is presenting for us all, as USM Grads, to join together at this time in creating a movement of Conscious Business on this planet!
We trust that as a USM Grad you catch and can resonate with the energy and intention of this movement. We are each Wayshowers, blessed with the gift of USM and the profound transformation we've experienced from applying the Principles & Practices of Spiritual Psychology in our daily lives. Such a blessing inspires a deep calling within our hearts to serve and contribute in our own unique ways.
Our intention in Soul Purpose 2017 is to empower and equip USM grads with specific skills and tools to lead this consciousness movement within existing businesses and businesses they may start as a result of following their heartfelt calling. This workshop offers a profound opportunity to join together as a group of Soul-Centered Leaders and Light Bearers, supporting ourselves and one another in making a meaningful contribution to the planet!
With our Loving and Gratitude to You and all You Do!
Licia & Kirk